2.3 Curation Policies
Data curation can be defined as, "a managed process, throughout the data lifecycle, by which data & data collections are cleansed, documented, standardised, formatted and interconnected. This includes versioning data, or forming a new collection from several data sources, annotating with metadata, adding codes to raw data” (CASRAI n.d.). The JISC preservation briefing paper complements this by indicating that “Digital curation is all about maintaining and adding value to a trusted body of digital information for future and current use; specifically, the active management and appraisal of data over the entire life cycle” (Pennock 2006).
Repositories should ensure that data are curated and maintained by all appropriate means and tools. In order to uniquely identify datasets (also known as "digital objects"), a data archive should include in its data curation policies, among others, the following:
- Authorization to create PIDs (e.g. DOIs, Handle, URN).
- Access conditions for each digital object.
What to consider when creating or adapting a curation policy
Data archives should first consider how and for how long deposited data will be distributed, whether unchanged, how edits will be made or if the repository will add value to the datasets by enhancing the content, usually in contact with the data provider/producer. Assessment of technical means, resources and skilled staff are required when data repositories implement a curation policy.
Relevant sections from Chapter 1
1.2 What does an archive look like and what does it do?
1.5 What is a certified archive?
Links to examples
Some good examples for Data Curation policies are the following:
Document your data. UKDS. Retrieved from: https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/manage-data/document.aspx
Preparing data for deposit. UKDS. Retrieved from: https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/deposit-data/preparing-data.aspx
Deposit data. AUSSDA. Retrieved from: https://aussda.at/en/deposit-data/
Data Deposition. ČSDA. Retrieved from: https://archiv.soc.cas.cz/en/ukladani-dat-2
Guidelines for depositing data. FSD. Retrieved from: https://www.fsd.tuni.fi/en/services/depositing-data/guidelines-for-depositing-data/