4.7 Checklist of general ingest procedure steps
Preparation of data & documentation material
- Transfer archive material into a working area (correct drive)
- Create folders according to OAIS model (SIP, AIP, DIP)
- Are all mandatory metadata fields filled in correctly?
- Are topics and keywords chosen from the respective thesauri and vocabularies?
- Pseudonymisation/Anonymisation checks
- Data cleaning (variables and values labelled, missing values)
- Plausibility checks
- Check if data and documentation material are complete and match
- Include suggested citation and information (DOI, version) in data and documentation material
- Send feedback to depositor
- Transfer the data and documentation material into preferred formats of scientific community and long-term archive formats
- Make clear all undertaken steps are traceable and documented
- Publish archive material in a chosen platform (e.g., Dataverse)
- Clean up all folders and move content to the repository